The KidsPeace “Mission Possible” virtual scavenger hunt is an incredibly fun team-based adventure that will challenge you, encourage you to explore the area, and create unforgettable memories all while keeping you safe and healthy during the current Covid guidelines. In this briefing we have provided some important information to help your team members prepare for the experience. You can also contact the event HQ at anytime 24/7 via email at


Please download the Bonfyre app on any and all Apple or Android devices you plan to use during the experience. If you don’t have an Apple or Android device it’s not a problem at all. As long as someone on your team has it this free app will enable your team to submit your challenge, or “mission”, pictures and videos for prize eligibility. It will also provide a direct line of communication between your team and our HQ if you should have any questions along the way.

You can click on the buttons below from your mobile device to download the app, or search your app store for “Bonfyre App”.  It's a very simple and intuitive group chat type app, but if you need some tips on how to use it you can access the "Help" tool under the Account tab in the app. 

When creating your Bonfyre account, please use the same email address that our briefing email was sent to. Leading up to the event you’ll receive an invite to that email address that will enable you to join your team’s private chat, or you can just log in and click join once your chat has been set up.



Leading Up To Event:

1. Once you’ve received the invite to your team chat group via email you should log-in and join. It may be helpful to submit a few test pictures or videos to make sure you’re comfortable using the app before the event starts.

 2. The days leading up to the start are a great time to procure some fantastic team outfits or costumes. We encourage you to wear comfortable athletic attire and sneakers. You may be completing active challenges, traveling across a variety of surfaces, and could end up getting slightly sweaty/dirty/wet depending on the weather and what challenges you chose to attempt.


The Event:

Right at 9am on Saturday our HQ will post the link to the full challenge list in your private Team Chat and a PDF version will be emailed to you. The mobile website will include challenge descriptions and some links to information or videos that will help you complete the challenge successfully. The list will consist of 20 total challenges that are designed to bring you together through fun, meaningful, difficult, or embarrassing experiences. Complete as many as possible, in any order, up until 6pm on Sunday.

Some challenges may require a few basic supplies to complete them. Figuring out how to obtain these supplies somewhere in the area is part of the strategy so work together and use what you’ve got to get what you need.

The safety of your team and those around you needs to be your top priority.  Please follow all state and local health guidelines and laws.  Some of the challenges may require you to interact with local citizens and businesses in some way. Please practice proper social distancing when possible, and represent yourselves and the KidsPeace organization well when you are out in the community.


Gift Card Raffle: In addition to the incredible experiences you and your team will have, you can qualify for the Mission Possible top prize! After the event ends our HQ will review your submissions and you will be awarded one raffle entry for every challenge you completed successfully. A raffle will be conducted by KidsPeace and the winner will receive a $20 gift card to the business of their choice.