Dremio 2023 Field Kickoff Scavenger Hunt

Secret Advantage


Congrats on getting this top secret advantage! Be sure to keep it within your team only, so that you have a competitive edge over the competition in tonight’s team scavenger hunt! Your advantage is that you have access to one of the challenges in advance. Your team members can complete the challenge below at anytime and submit it to our HQ via your private Team Chat even before the hunt begins. Good luck!

#3: The theme for this week has been “Win With Focus” so this challenge will test just how focused you are! Click HERE to get to the brain puzzles and then select “Memory”. Then, anywhere along the way have at least two team members achieve a score of 50 or more points. Once you have your two super focused teammates, take a celebratory picture of them while they’re displaying their phone screens and the point totals are clearly visible. You can submit an additional close-up picture of the two devices to clearly show the point totals if necessary.